RPS Migration Services takes the privacy and security of personal information seriously and adheres to applicable privacy laws. Here is a clear explanation of how personal information is collected, stored, and used by RPS Migration Services:

Collection of Personal Information:

RPS Migration Services collects personal information directly from individuals or their authorized representatives. This may include information such as name, contact details, date of birth, passport details, educational qualifications, work experience,and other relevant details necessary for providing migration services.


RPS Migration Services obtains consent from individuals before collecting their personal information. Consent may be obtained through written forms or electronically via online platforms.

Purpose of Collection:

Personal information is collected for the purpose of providing migration services to clients.This includes assessing eligibility for visas,lodging visa applications,on-going case management,and communicating with relevant authorities on behalf of clients.

Legal Basis:

The collection and use of personal information by RPS Migration Services are based on legal grounds,such as contractual obligations (when engaged by a client),compliance with legal requirements,and legitimate interests in providing migration services.

Storage and Security:

RPS Migration Services stores personal information securely in electronic databases protected by appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access,disclosure,misuse,or loss.Personal data is retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes it was collected for or as required by law.

Disclosure to Third Parties:

In some cases,RPS Migration Services may need to disclose personal information to third parties,such as government agencies (e.g.,Department of Home Affairs) or other professionals involved in the migration process (e.g.,assessing authorities).Disclosure is done only when necessary and with appropriate safeguards in place.

Access and Correction:

Individuals have the right to access their own personal information held by RPS Migration Services.They can request corrections if they believe any data is inaccurate or incomplete.RPS Migration Services will respond to such requests in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

Privacy Policy:

RPS Migration Services has a privacy policy that outlines its practices regarding the collection,storage,and use of personal information.It provides individuals with information about their rights and how to contact RPS Migration Services for any privacy-related concerns.

RPS Migration Services is committed to protecting the confidentiality,integrity,and availability of personal information while complying with relevant privacy laws and regulations. It ensures that personal data is handled responsibly and used only for legitimate purposes related to providing migration services.

It's important for individuals to review the privacy policy of RPS Migration Services or any other service provider they engage with,to understand how their personal information will be collected,stored,and used.

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